Everything is possible in pajamas!

The Pajamas-girls Club is a hymn to being-in-pajamas as a way of life!
Through the mix of illustrations, colors and texts, the extraordinary adventures of Alice and Caterina, the two protagonists of the series and founders of the Pajamas-girls Club, come to life.
Modern and light stories with two protagonists full of determination, adventurous and friends.


The publishing project was born as a self-production, then discovered by Giunti who became its publisher. For 5-years old girls and boys on.


Avaible the translations in Castilian and Catalan (by edebé)!

Alice, Caterina and...

A fantasy world is built with simple and fun writing along with boldly colored drawings build a world of fantasy, a fantasy world that is nevertheless linked to the protagonists' daily life.


In each story, Alice and Caterina find themselves grappling with challenges and dilemmas that they can face and resolve only together and with the help of the Great World Council of Pajamas-girls.


Kids will recognize themselves in the hone-sweet-home atmosphere page after page and... will never again want to take off their pajamas.

For grown-up pajamas-girls and pajamas-boys

The pajamas lifestyle is finally free to express itself!
Do you too go to the cinema in your pajamas?
Do you walk the dog out with the pajamas under your jacket?
Do you come down for coffee with your pajamas under your sweater?
How many pajamas do you have?


Tell us about your adventures as a pajamas-girls and pajamas-boys and we will publish them on our channels: the Facebook page and on our Instagram profile because you can't become a pajamas-girls or pajamas-boy. Being a pajamas-girls and pajamas-boy is... FOREVER!

Where to buy the books of the Pajamas-girls Club

The first two titles in the series will be found in all bookstores and also on the Giunti website from from January 27, 2021 on: Non Disturbare  and Grandi Vacanze tabs and the option to purchase online!


Who we are

Giulia and Chiara don't own pajamas and the Pajamas-girls Club is their first editorial project.

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